• Once an order has been processed we are unable to cancel it (or any part of it).
  • If you decide to cancel an order after we have dispatched the products, you will be responsible to return them to us, at your own risk. We will return all such products within 14 days after you receive the product.
  • You should return the products to us unused (except to the extent reasonably necessary to examine them), and in the same condition in which you received them together with the original product packaging, by one of the means set out in our returns procedure.
  • After you cancel your order and return the products, any sum debited by us to your credit/debit card will be refunded in full. Besides, we will notify you of your refund via e-mail within a reasonable period of time. We will usually process the refund due to you as soon as possible and, in any case, within 30 days of you canceling your order.
  • If any product you purchase is damaged, faulty or incorrect, when delivered to you we may offer an exchange or refund as appropriate, in accordance with your legal rights.  If you believe a product is faulty, you should return the product to us in accordance with the returns procedure. You have to inform and contact us within 7 days from the day the delivered order. Also If you have any questions regarding returns, please contact us.
  • Our policy on cancellations, returns and refunds does not affect your statutory legal rights.